Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman R.I.P

January 26, 1925-September 26, 2008

Artist, Hollywood icon, race car driver, philanthropist ... the bluest eyes God ever gave a man.

As a political liberal, one of the things that set him apart from many in Hollywood who agreed with his politics was that, while he supported and advocated what he believed in, he never castigated and derided those with whom he differed. He was always a gentleman. Always.

One of the last things he did in this life was to turn his fortune over to charity--$120 million.

He was an amazing gift to his family and friends, to all who saw him in movies and theater, and to all the causes he supported so passionately. May God Remember it for His Good.


Anonymous said...

there are eyes bluer than Paul Newman's

Monte Wilson said...

Well, yeah ... now that he is dead!