Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Went to see Avatar at IMAX in 3D with MIV.

Some of my stream of conscious thoughts while watching


Ah, the gratuitous put-downs of evil greedy corporate bastards. Can you say, CLICHE

Crikey, this is amazing

O, these innocent, beautiful indigenous creatures. Is Cameron channeling Rousseau?

This is as magical a production as I have ever seen

No, it is not Rousseau he is channeling: it’s his inner hippie!

I’ve GOT to come see this again

In your face, military men and women! You are a bunch of mindless morons who get off on killing, Killing, KILLING! Come on Cameron, stealing Bush’s “shock and awe”? Lame, man … lame.


Copyright, Monte E Wilson, 2009


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I notice a lot of Christian sites are bashing it.

Just read this article this morning:

Monte Wilson said...

It's Science Fiction: that alone is enough to warrant criticism by Fundamentalists! Sure, the New Age message of the oneness of all things, etc., is there so I understand the concern of NOT making a distinction between creator and creation. But I don't go to movies to get religious instruction but for entertainment.

As for some of Avatar's fans going all squirrley, Crickey, people without a life did the same thing with Star Trek and Star Wars. Sad.