Thursday, April 30, 2009

Big Government is Necessary ... For What?

I woke up this morning to a report where the President said that big government solutions, while unwanted, are necessary. My brain erupted with questions.

Big Government is necessary … for what, exactly?

What if it wasn’t “necessary”? What if there was another way through this present economic chaos: a way that would not rob individuals and businesses of their freedoms?

What if Big Government was actually the problem? Hey, just asking!

What is the purpose of saying that Big Government is Necessary? There has never been a time in history where Big Government did not equal Fewer Freedoms and Higher Taxes. Never. So, Big Government is Necessary for Big Government to have Power and Money.

Whereas our nation's forefathers believed that individuals should have power over their own lives (freedom) and that it was productive individuals who would create the nation’s wealth, today’s political leaders believe the exact opposite. The vision and principles of our forefathers created the freest and wealthiest nation in history. What do you think Big Government is going to create?

Go back to the first question that hit me, as I read this article: Big Government is Necessary … for what, exactly?

I suggest that the answer is quite simple, quite profound, and quite disastrous:

Big Government is Necessary for Salvation—what the President euphemistically refers to as “solutions.” Today’s average political leader—on either side of the aisle—believes this to be a fact. It is the calling of the governments of the US (Federal, State, and County) to ”save” its citizens. “If you are sick, we will heal you; if you go bankrupt, we will bail you out; and if you can’t find work, we will take care of you, from bassinet to casket. Of course, all we ask in return is what any Messiah would ask: yield yourself wholly and solely to us."

Why are people willing to do trade their souls for such care? I believe there are two reasons: security is preferable to freedom, and an utter lack of belief and trust in God.

Copyright, Monte E Wilson, 2009


Anonymous said...

that last paragraph hits the nail on the head.

our trust and belief is in a new Messiah... and his name is Obama.
Lord help us.

Monte Wilson said...

What is astounding is that after all these years of government officials touting every policy proposal as something that will "save" the children, these same people have stuck it to generations of children ro come. Gives you an idea of their idea of salvation: slavery.

Jeremy Kozdon said...

Anonymous: I would say it has little to do with Obama. Both parties are equal in this respect, let us not forget the big government "bailout" started before Obama took office... both parties like to play the savior.

Monte Wilson said...

Absolutely ... the only difference when it comes to debt and the road to socialism is that Obama makes Bush look ... bush-league.